About Multi Cultural Unity
To encourage cultural unity MCU will partner with film production companies, to produce high-quality, commercially viable, wide distribution movies and television programs. The goal is the creation and international distribution/exhibition of award-worthy projects in the vein of SCHINDLER'S LIST, DANCES WITH WOLVES, and 12 YEARS A SLAVE –memorable and heartfelt projects with engaging and inspiring content.
The revenues generated by these projects will be retained by these film production companies and deemed “re-pledged” for future productions consistent with our goals, to enlighten and encourage the many peoples of the world to embrace:
The acquisition of knowledge;
The acceptance of the varied customs, abilities, and habits of different societies.
The idea of universal law;
The adherence to a moral compass;
The appreciation of art; and
The belief in God;
Our message to welcome diversity and empower unity will be impactful. Please donate to MCU so that we may make among other grants, meaningful, self-sustaining grants for the production of high-quality, award-worthy movies and television programs. And, a special thanks in advance!

Grant Types:
"Recyclable" Film Grants
Some donations made to MCU are utilized to provide grants to film production companies. These grants will allow MCU to advance the production of select films that embody our ideals that might otherwise never be produced.
MCU will not profit from these productions. Instead monies generated as a result of MCU grants will be retained and re-invested by these film companies, thereby creating replenish-able funds for the production of future, MCU message-worthy projects.
Other Director Grants
Shall be made as deemed appropriate.
MCU Executive Director
Shannon Tansey, PhD, LCSW, MSW, Executive Director
Bannor Michael MacGregor, past Executive Director/Founder

Donations are
100% Deductible
Film Revenues
are Re-invested
Dollars Recycle
The Organization for the Advocacy
of Multi Cultural Unity, Inc.
Upon receipt of your donation, MCU will send a letter confirming your gift, providing the information necessary for you to claim your donation as a U.S. tax deduction. Because MCU is a tax-exempt Public Charity, your donation is fully deductible.
We accept donations via PayPal:
And by Wire:
Chase Bank
1007 Beaver Creek Commons Drive, Apex, NC 27502
ABA#: 072000326
For the Account:
The Organization for the Advocacy
of Multi Cultural Unity, Inc.
Account #: 669128958
For Favor of: [Add the name of the party who will be receiving the tax benefit]
View MCU's Tax Exempt status with the IRS click on the link below: and cut and paste the below EIN: # to find out more information
EIN: 81-0766226 | Durham, NC, United States

Inspired Projects
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Our Address
8317 Wake Forest Highway, Raleigh, NC 27613
Email: donate@multiculturalunity.org
Tel: (919) 646-4650
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: